De CannaMedSocialClub stichting WietOliePuur is van menig dat elke volwassene toegang moet krijgen tot betaalbare Medicinale Cannabis. De stichting WietOliePuur zet zich in voor volwassen die met reguliere medicatie niet meer geholpen zijn. We willen Thc en Cbd producten betaalbaar maken en voor iedereen boven de 18 jaar toegankelijk maken. Tevens willen we de zwarte […]
The European Guidelines for Cannabis Social Clubs
Dear friends and members, as part of the Freedom to Farm campaign, we are proud to publish the operation guide for Cannabis Social Clubs. Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC) are one of the most deeply-rooted and widespread models for regulating cannabis in the European Union. According to a study published a few months ago by the […]
“Cannabis was buried by a century of ignorance and prejudice” – Interview with Enrico Fletzer
CannaReporter spoke with Enrico Fletzer, President of the Executive Committee of the European Coalition for Fair and Effective Drug Policies (ENCOD), in order to understand the implications of voting at the 63rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), which removed cannabis from the Annex IV in the 1961 Convention. Please read the interview […]
Canna-chaos in Vienna?
The genesis of the decision of today’s 63rd Reconvened Conference on Narcotic Drugs of the UN is certainly due to the perseverance of the international activists of ENCOD, FAAAT and the US Veterans for Safe Access and many other friends who from Mexico to Barcelona raised the cannabis issue and the legitimacy of the past […]
Human Rights and Public Health shape a new agenda on drugs
Dear members and friends, we are glad to publish the report Civil Society and Drug Policy 2020: An overview of European Drug Policy Reform and the Role of Civil Society. The report points out the need to overcome drug use criminalization in those European countries where actions related to personal use continue being criminal offences. […]
WHO cannabis patients statement released!
Dear friends and colleagues, It is our pleasure to announce that the statement Support patient access to medicine, vote yes! has been released by the UN under document symbol E/CN.7/2020/NGO/7. Feel free to send it to your governments and national authorities, to ensure they are aware that civil society is monitoring them, and ensure they […]
TAKING BACK WHAT’S OURS! An Oral History of the Movement of People who Use Drugs – Documentary Series by INPUD and Drugreporter
Dear members, we invite you to watch the documentary series “Taking back what’s ours!” made by INPUD and Drugreporter: The Rights Reporter Foundation (Drugreporter) and the International Network of People who use Drugs (INPUD) produced a new documentary film series titled “TAKING BACK WHAT’S OURS! An Oral History of the Movement of People who Use Drugs” […]
Working towards fair, humanised policy on drugs with ENCOD
Dear friends, last month we spoke to Medical Cannabis Network about education, drug policy and harm reduction. Check out the interview. Stay healthy!
ENCOD’s ECOSOC status granted!
Dear friends, members, activists, media operators and all! We are happy and proud to announce that with a long letter Mr. Marc-André Dorel, acting chief of the United Nations Non-Governmental Organizations Branch, informed us that ENCOD – European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies – has obtained the special consultative status at the Economic […]
The future of CBD
02.09.2020 End of July EIHA shocked us all with a press article about some upcoming decisions of European Commission regarding CBD. Gossips and rumours started, nobody really knew what it was about. ENCOD members are private persons, PWUDs, shops, NGOS, etc., they all have common but also different interests. Together with our members and co-activists […]