Cannabis remains part of the agenda at the 68th CND at the United Nations in Vienna, like Fields of Green For All’s side event this year focuses on Africa.
Cannabis in Africa on the Centenary of Its Prohibition: Between Illegality and Opportunity
Organized by Fields of Green for ALL NPC with the support of the Cannabis Embassy, the University of Bristol, the South African Human Rights Commission, the Her Many Voices Foundation, the Forum Drugs Mediterranean, SSDP, ENCOD, the Umzimvubu Farmers Support Network, the South African Cannabis and Hemp Industry Association, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Transform Drug Policy Foundation, the Veterans Action Council and ICEERS
Wednesday 12 March 2025, 4pm (SA time, 3pm Vienna time)
As we all know, Cannabis has been a part of African cultures for millennia, with its use ranging across a wide variety of traditions and settings. This is despite prohibition associated with colonial rule over the last 100 years. The global conversation surrounding cannabis is evolving rapidly, with many countries reconsidering its legal status, its potential for improving livelihoods, and contemplating a public health approach as an alternative to punitive criminal sanctions. Based on recent on the ground research in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Nigeria & Kenya this side event explores the African Cannabis landscape and heritage, and addresses key challenges, opportunities, and potential for policy reform across the continent.
Myrtle Clarke – Fields of Green for ALL
Prof Tshepo Madlingozi – South African Human Rights Commission
Dr Gernot Klantschnig – University of Bristol, Dept of Policy Studies
Maria-Goretti Loglo – International Drug Policy Consortium
Dr Neil Carrier – University of Bristol, Dept of Anthropology & Archeology
Dr Clemence Rusenga – University of Cardiff, School of Social Sciences
Dr Simon Howell – University of Cape Town, Dept of Criminology