Statement : Arrest of Rodrigo Duterte for Extrajudicial Drug War Killings Note: ENCOD welcomes the good new of the arrest of Rodrigo DUTERTE – former Philippinos president – as we were condamning the massive killings to follow the global claim that “illicit drugs use must be eradicated”, as well as there should be “zero […]
CND68 : Cannabis in Africa on the Centenary of Its Prohibition: Between Illegality and Opportunity
Cannabis remains part of the agenda at the 68th CND at the United Nations in Vienna, like Fields of Green For All’s side event this year focuses on Africa. Cannabis in Africa on the Centenary of Its Prohibition: Between Illegality and Opportunity Organized by Fields of Green for ALL NPC with the support of the […]
CND68 – ENCOD side event “1925-2025 : One centenary of Cannabis as a narcotic drug under international control”
Commission on Narcotic Drugs – 68th session Tuesday March 11th, 2025 10:00 – 11:00 AM (Vienna) – ROOM : MOE05 1925-2025 : One centenary of Cannabis as a narcotic drug under international control This side event, in link with an exhibition, aims to present the long journey of cannabis from 1925 to the present day, […]
Italy : Massive demonstrations to say “NO DDL SICUREZZA”
Italy : Massive demonstrations to say “NO DDL SICUREZZA” In Italy, several demonstrations against the dictatorial proposals of Meloni’s government against cannabis, and civil and human rights were quite big, with for example over 5000 people in Bologna and many others in most towns… Like our friend Enrico Fletzer argued “It was nice but the […]
Psychedelicare : European Citizens’ Initative (support and sign)
LET’S CARE TOGETHER To improve mental wellbeing and enable access to psychedelic-assisted therapies in Europe, we just need 1 million signatures. Are you a European citizen? THE REASONS Today, in the European Union, more than 1 out of 6 people are suffering from mental health conditions. Depression, anxiety, burnout syndromes, PTSD, insomnia, unbearable addictions, are […]
Putting people first; empowering communities and driving innovation.
Putting people first; empowering communities and driving innovation. Reflections following the 6th European Harm Reduction Conference. In the first week of December around five hundred participants from across Europe travelled to Warsaw for a three-day conference on drug use and drug policy organised by the Correlation European Harm Reduction Network (C-EHRN). Echoing the United Nations […]
ENCOD and our duty toward a new policy on drugs.
ENCOD and our duty toward a new policy on drugs. Since 1993, ENCOD has been advocating for drug policy reforms based on a humane, just and effective approach. In four points below we’re describing below what ENCOD is struggling for, and we hope that you’ll follow and support us to make this. First We’re defending […]
The Bad, the Sad and the Ugly (Please keep updated)
Update on April 20th, 2024 About Erec : Two weeks ago, Erec’s widow posted on her Facebook page this message: “3 months after the killing of my beloved husband and soulmate, Erec Hesse, I am still in a state of, I do not even know how to call it. Out of my body, out of […]
Calendrier des Ferias et des Salon-Festivals du cannabis en Europe en 2015
Calendrier des Ferias et des Salon-Festivals du cannabis en Europe en 2015 Voici les principaux événements cannabiques prévus pour cette année 2015 en Espagne, en France et partout en Europe. Nous espérons que vous aurez la possibilité d’y participer ! Soyons nombreux et solidaires. Remerciements à Marcel du site Alchimia pour son travail et sa […]
Marche de la Paix des Drogues 10 mars 2012