German Cannabis Clubs workshop ENCOD and ConFAC are pleased to present a workshop tailored for German cannabis associations. This workshop aims to address specific aspects of cannabis regulation, harm reduction, and best practices within the framework of cannabis clubs. The workshop will provide valuable insights into the controlled substance system and harm reduction strategies. It […]
The current hour in the Bundestag
The current hour in the Bundestag On 15 November 2024, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag convened a topical debate on the effects of the Konsum-Cannabis-Gesetz, KCanG, on internal security. The list of speakers was long, and too many of those who took to the microphone used their time exclusively for election campaign […]
Responsibility ping-pong in the German capital
Responsibility ping-pong in the German capital Since 1 July 2024, cultivation associations in Germany have been able to apply for permission to cultivate cannabis to supply their members in accordance with the Consumer Cannabis Act. Over 300 applications have now been submitted to the relevant authorities across Germany, and around 25 of these have been […]
Germany plans to legalise cannabis: The beginning of the end of cannabis prohibition in Europe?
Cannabis will soon be legally available for consumption in Germany. Last week, the newly elected coalition of SPD, Greens, and FDP agreed on this in their coalition agreement. The distribution will be controlled in licensed shops and only to adults. Although in Austria the legalisation of cannabis seems to be a long way off, many […]
Translating cannabis legalization into numbers
The economists Justus Haucap and Leon Knoke published an updated report on the economic consequences of cannabis legalization in Germany. A summary of their findings: the country could profit almost 5 billion € by collecting taxes (sales, trade, income, social security) and from savings of the police/court/prison system. Download the full 2021 report here (in […]
A seed for a better future: A proposal for a European regulation of cannabis use
We are proud to present our proposal, addressed to the European Commission, the European Parliament and the governments of the Members States represented in the European Council, related to cannabis use for recreational purposes and the decriminalization of minor offences related to illicit drugs. The proposal defines the opportunities the European Union has to regulate […]
Freispruch für den Cannabis Social Club Maribor wegen Drogenhandels in Slowenien
Anfang 2015 überfiel die Polizei den CSC Maribor auf der Grundlage einiger Berichte eines oder mehrerer Bürger, die besagten, dass Sanjin Jašar Cannabis verkaufe und kranke Menschen glauben mache, dass Cannabis eine Heilung für ihre Krankheit sei. Die Polizei fand etwa 7 Kilo Cannabis, 200 ml THC und CBD-Extrakt, 44 Pflanzen und Geräte für 6 […]
Koalition für Drogenpolitik ENCOD lebt mit neuem Gremium auf
ZUR SOFORTIGEN VERÖFFENTLICHUNG Presseabteilung, ENCOD, 5. Juni 2017, Barcelona
CSC-Gründer in Haft in Österreich
Kurz nach einer nicht rechtskräftigen Verurteilung fand die Polizei bei dem 58-Jährigen erneut Cannabispflanzen. Knapp vier Wochen nach einer Verurteilung am Salzburger Landesgericht befindet sich der Obmann des Cannabis Social Club in Haft. Die Polizei fand in der Wohnung des 58-Jährigen 37 Cannabispflanzen, zudem Cannabiskraut und Öl. Der Mann war am 2. Februar 2017 wegen […]