Goricko, 26 september 2014
The General Assembly of the European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies, at its meeting in 2014, adopts the following house rules:
When the Steering Committee considers that a member of Encod deliberately has caused or is causing physical, material, psychological or moral damage to either another member or the association as such, the SC may decide to suspend his/her membership until the next GA, in which the member is entitled to challenge this decision.
During the suspension, the member is still required to pay his membership fee for the current year.
The SC has to inform the member of the decision to suspend him/her by letter or e-mail listing the arguments and indicating the details of the meeting in which the decision was taken.
The decision has to be taken following a formal procedure that must include the collection of all information necessary to consider the case, including the possibility to send one or more mediators to ensure that every effort has been made to avoid suspension.