Ganjazz Art Club is a Cannabis users association created in a little village near San Sebastián in the Basque Country, officially registered since 2002., Currently the club is composed of 200 members and at the moment there is no more place for more people.
Every year, we open for around fifty new members, and every new member needs to fulfill conditions like: to be over 21 years, be a habitual user of cannabis, not be in a desintoxicaxion process of any substance. Every new member has to be recognised by two current club members.
The official seat for the club is in Lasarte Oria, in a typical basque house (Caserio) in the mountains named Adarra (15Km. from San Sebastian). We have an office in the center of San Sebastian , because most of our members live in San Sebastían. Most of our activities take place from that office, near the Kursaal Auditorium.
Ganjazz is a collective organization to promote the individual and collective human rights of cannabis users. Based on this model, we understand that there may coexist many variants and ways for developing activities, cause each community has an own identity, its propers laws and policies, so we must work trying to respect all of this.
As a short presentation, we make a short list of some of our most important reflections for our function as an association / club. We are a small society of members at present, the way to achieve our objectives is by developing activities that reduce risks and prevent damages associated to cannabis. Our statutes, philosophy and program of annual activities are based on the aim to improve the quality of our members’ life and consumption of cannabis.
Our three main lines of action are the following:
1. Attention to and orientation of cannabis users.
2. Cultivation of cannabis for personal use ruled by eight conditions according to legal requirements.
3. Social, cultural and artistic actvities to improve the capacity of the entity to integrate.
As a cannabis user association, Ganjazz participates in an initiative in Oñati. In the hope to arrive to a minimum consensus about cannabis the first change that has to pass is the language that is used. We think our job is necessary to build a more normal ambience, because we are the first ones who are interested and affected by the actual situation.
Along the years, the dominant attitude was prohibition as an answer for those who use cannabis. After years of observation of public health policies and the ressources that are used we have concluded that this system doesn’t work. So we have decided to try alternatives more oriented to normalization, by constructive and positive opinions, and by policies of harm reduction and risk prevention.
To contact us:
or phone number 0034 637024633.
Office Adress: C/Zabaleta 49 Oficina12, C.P. 20010 San Sebastián( Basque Country, Spain
Normal adress: Apartado Correos 139, 20160 Lasarte, Spain.