Autores: Beatriz Caiuby Labate, Institute of Medical Psychology, Heidelberg University, Germany and Gustavo Pacheco, National Museum/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Publisher: Mercado de Letras, Campinas/SP
This pocket book highlights the theme of music in the ayahuasca religions of Santo Daime (both the Cefluris and Alto Santo groups) and the União do Vegetal (UDV). Although most studies of the ayahuasca religions recognize the centrality of music in their rituals, the study of the music itself has generally been secondary to other themes, rather than
the central focus that it is here. A rich cultural manifestation, ayahuasca
music reveals multiple connections with Brazilian religiosity and with the
musical expression of the Northeast and Amazonia, and has been one of the
principal elements highlighted by recent efforts to designate ayahuasca as
immaterial cultural heritage of the Brazilian nation. The book explores the
key role that music plays in the everyday life of these religions, in the
production of religious meanings, and in the construction of the bodies and
the subjectivity of adepts. Through a description of each group’s musicality
and a comparison among them, the authors seek to understand these groups’
ethos. This book represents an important contribution to an area of study
that is still little explored in Brazil: the use of music in ritual and
religious contexts.
Year: 2009
Format: 11,5 x 21 cm
Support: German Research Council (DFG) and the Collaborative Research Center “Ritual Dynamics””
120 pp.
ISBN 978-85-7591-125-9
Price: U$ 16,00 + shipping fee
Mercado de Letras – Tel: (19) 3241 7514