To whom it may concern
After recently attending a meeting with Dr. Anton Vratusa, I was informed that he would like me to submit a plan for sustainable development and that my proposal should be sent to your organization, so this is the information I have put together for your consideration.
For thousands of years cannabis hemp always played a vital role in our existence and it has only been over the last few decades that its growing and use has been outlawed, in many parts of our world. In reality, there was never any sensible reason as to why, this plants use was restricted in the first place. Cannabis did present a danger to many big money concerns, but it posed no threat to the human race and therefore it should never have been outlawed. But the rich elite do tend to get their way and through a massive propaganda campaign, suddenly cannabis hemp became Marijuana and the public was told that it was the most deadly and dangerous drug on the planet.
We now know that what they told us at the time, was nothing more than a pack of lies, which were forced upon us by the governments of that era and their friends the rich elite. Marijuana is not a drug its a plant, the cannabis hemp plant to be exact and it also happens to be natures greatest gift to mankind. This is a plant which can be used to manufacture over 50,000 different items that we use in our day to day lives and they can all be produced, in an earth friendly and sustainable manner, from strong long lasting hemp. Anything that can be produced from fossil fuels like plastic, or the energy required to run our cars etc.can also be produced from hemp, but with little or no damage to our environment.
Not only can cannabis solve our energy requirements, with its ability to produce 1800 gallons of ethanol from 3600 square meters of land, which I think that anyone would have to admit, is a great deal of energy, from such a small area and this is only one of the ways cannabis can produce energy. Now lets look at cannabis as a food source. At present over twenty thousand people, for the most part children, are dying every day on this planet from malnutrition. Since the seeds from this plant are so plenty full and nutritious, any country could end the threat of starvation by simply allowing industrial hemp, to be grown on a large scale as a farm crop. Growing cannabis as a food source and then using the left over plant material after the seeds have been removed, to produce items like paper, textiles, building materials, fuels etc. Would bring people back to the land, where they will now be able to make a decent living growing hemp and other crops, to help deal with our needs. If this were done, in no time we could have a sustainable hemp based economy and there would be virtually no unemployment.
To prevent further damage to our earth and all the life it supports, existing industries that are harming our environment should either be eliminated, or switched over to earth friendly hemp based industries as soon as possible. If we go about what is to come in a rational way, I see no need for violence to achieve our aims and if we use logic, we should be able to make a smooth transition into a much better way of life. Given all our new technologies, it may seem strange to some that we would have to turn to a simple plant to save ourselves. But when you look at the damage the rich elite have caused, by their promotion of the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy etc. where else are we to turn to find a rational solution. Cannabis can save our world and if indeed we have reached the point that we finally realize cannabis is not the enemy, then it will do just that. Sometimes to move forward, we have to go back to a more sensible and sustainable way, of achieving our goals. Cannabis provides us with the opportunity to give the human race a future and it will put an end to our enslavement by the big money interests. If these mega rich individuals who are presently in control, had any care or concern for this earth and the life it supports. Then why have they been doing everything possible to destroy this planet, which in turn brings sickness, suffering and death to us all?
Now I must explain about the medicinal aspects of this plant and once you know the truth, I think you will agree that this, was one of the main reasons cannabis was outlawed. Even though many drug companies were producing hemp based medicines, in the late eighteen hundreds and early nineteen hundreds. None of them tried to stop hemp, the most medicinal of all plants from being outlawed, they just sat there and remained silent. Had they not wished for this plant to be restricted, the drug companies who were using its healing powers to produce their medications, would have told the government in no uncertain terms that they required its use, to make their medicines effective, but instead they did no such thing because it was not in their best interest. Once they were successful in eliminating this plants medicinal use, they then replaced it, with chemicals and poisons disguised as medicine and this is known today, as the allopathic approach to healing. But in truth, what they perpetrated was nothing more than a scam and while it did produce huge profits, it also caused the needless suffering and death of countless individuals world wide and sadly this is still taking place today. The vast majority of those who were suffering could have been healed, if only they had been provided with medicines manufactured from cannabis. Instead their lives were sacrificed at the alter of greed and their friends and family were left behind to mourn their passing. I think that one has to admit, when profits become more important than human life, it should be clear to us all that something must change.
I am not submitting this proposal in the hope that I might be granted the right, to supply this life saving oil to your nation. Instead I would rather see governments in all countries, set up their own farms and production facilities, to manufacture these oils so they can supply the medicinal needs of their people. If governments were to do this in an honest and open way, its would prevent profiteers from filling their pockets and whatever revenue these farms generate, could then be used for the greater good of the nation. Just as it was done throughout history, the growing of cannabis for industrial purposes, could be left in the hands of farmers, but I feel that cannabis that is to be grown for medicinal purposes, should be grown in a much more controlled manner, using different methods than one would employ for growing cannabis industrially. Personally I feel that anyone should be able to grow as much cannabis as they like, for whatever purpose they require. If this were allowed, in no time even high grade medicinal cannabis would have little value and this would drive all the illegal dealers we have today out of business. Not only would this prevent crime and be of benefit to the public, the police could then use the resources they have been wasting on cannabis, to pursue individuals who are committing real crimes. There may be those who will disagree with what I am stating in this proposal, but I would like to remind them that in reality, we actually have no choice in the matter.
By all accounts, in many regions of our earth the honey bee is quickly going extinct, due to our use of microwave radiation and other technologies which we currently employ to satisfy our needs. If indeed this does become a reality, 70% of our crops cannot be pollinated and this would create food shortages everywhere. In addition we cannot ignore the fact that our fish stocks are in decline and even the fish that are left, are now often not fit for human consumption, due to catastrophic events like Fukushima and the gulf oil spill and other horrible incidents that have occurred in or near our oceans. All that is required for female cannabis plants to become pollinated, is a gentle breeze and I am quite sure that wind will always be with us. Since we have this resource available to us, we would all have to be rather foolish, to allow food shortages or an energy crisis to over take us. When to prevent this from occurring all we had to do was grow cannabis, to supply us with food, energy and most of the other essentials that support our way of life.
In the near future, I would like to acquire a farm in your country, where I can breed and grow the most medicinal strains possible. I would then like to make the seeds from the strains we develop available to governments and individuals, who live in countries where this plants use is allowed, at a very low cost. In addition, I will have to construct the equipment which is needed to produce this oil properly, from the crops we grow, but I already know how to build the machinery which is required, so this does not present a problem.
After we have everything in place, the equipment can then also serve as a prototype, for those who wish to produce larger amounts of these medicinal oils, but of course the equipment would need to be built on a much larger scale. I have no intention of selling the oils we produce, instead they will be used for research purposes on animals like dogs and you have my word that no animals will be harmed, instead I expect that many will be healed. Since doctors have no hands on experience with these oils, I would like to supply your medical system with these extracts from different strains we are growing on a small scale, so doctors can find out the true scope of their healing abilities. Then when different countries set up their own farms and production facilities, they will know which strains are needed to manufacture the highest grade medicinal oils possible.
Although we already know that oils produced from many strains of cannabis, have amazing healing powers. I still feel that we need to do more research, to determine what strains are the most effective and what cannabinoid levels are required to achieve the best medical results for different conditions. Some of the top experts in this field, have made it known to me that they would be happy to work with me, to achieve this goal. With their help, in no time we should be able to put standards and quality control guidelines in place, to protect the public and finally cannabis will take its rightful place in medicine once more.
I think that any country , which is looking for sustainable development to enhance their economies and to make life better for their citizens, should give what I am proposing some serious consideration. Cannabis offers mankind a rational solution to most of the problems we are currently facing and in addition, it also offers us a way to break free of this bondage that the mega rich have imposed upon us, for far too long. I hope governments will soon have the wisdom to realize that trying to contain and control the use of this plant, or allowing others to do so, is no longer acceptable. We all deserve free access to this plant and in truth we all have the right, to grow this wonder of nature and use it, to improve our day to day lives in whatever way we deem fit.
At present, we are at the beginning of a new age and many people are beginning to become aware of the fact that drastic change is needed, if we are to avoid a catastrophe. So I am asking governments and all organizations who have an interest in a better future, to approach this issue with an open mind and to disregard, all that propaganda we have been fed in the past. Cannabis is the plant, which can stop our world from falling apart and I can tell you that after ingesting this oil for the past thirteen years that it is the greatest substance you can take, to maintain a healthy body, mind and soul. I have already sent a letter to the president of Uruguay, because at present his government has the most progressive attitude towards the use of this plant, so I am interested in setting up a farm there as well, to produce medicinal seeds. In addition we are currently trying to get a research project under way in Croatia that should take place in the spring of 2014 and so far the lawyer says he is meeting no opposition.
So as you can see we are moving ahead with this as quickly as possible on all fronts, in the hope that we can get the human race back on the right track, before it is too late. I have heard statements from the rich elite, concerning depopulating the earth in a very big way, they speak as if they have some god given right, to proceed with this genocide which they are implementing at the present time. Look up, what do you see, chem trails, look at the genetically modified food they are trying to shove down our throats. Now tell me, since the people who are behind such things are the same individuals, who have been proclaiming their right to depopulate the planet. Do you think what they are doing is good for us, or could they possibly be doing all this spraying and genetic modification to help bring about our demise.
Up to this point, our world has been run by individuals who have truly sick minds and of course I am speaking about the rich elite, because I think we all know that in reality these are the people who have been running the show.
Governments come and go, but for the most part they are easily corrupted by the big money concerns, but in the future governments will have to begin to work for their people, if they are to maintain credibility. In my opinion there is no need to depopulate this planet, in fact if natural harmless contraceptives were put into use, to help control birth rates. I believe we could easily maintain our current population, without putting undue stress on this planet, if only we would begin to manage this earth properly. The old ways of letting the mega rich do whatever they wanted are gone, we need to act responsibly now and take control of our own destiny, to ensure that coming generations will be able to enjoy the fruit of this earth and all that it provides. I am sending along a copy of the letter which was sent to Uruguay, so you can go over its contents, in the hope that it might help to explain any other questions you may have.
Thank You For Your Time And Consideration
Best Wishes
Rick Simpson