The Belgian drug law is 100 years old. For that long, it has been there as a legal basis to stigmatise and punish people who use drugs. For that long, this law has had a negative impact on public health and human rights. Now that this experiment has been going on for literally a century […]
Social Cannabis Club SKK Sombor
The citizens’ association “Social Cannabis Club SKK Sombor” is a humanitarian, non-governmental and non-profit association. We were renewed in 2015, and we officially registered in January 2016. Previously, there was a bar at this location and people with open attitudes and opinions came, and for these reasons, this association was formed. From 2015 until today, […]
Suomen kannabisyhdistys: Finnish Cannabis Association
SKY, The Finnish Cannabis Association, has been founded in 1991 in order to influence drug policy in a way that cannabis cultivation and possession are permitted for adults and production and distribution become regulated. As a veteran organization, it has a long experience with public appearances like the Wind Direction Action in 2020, an installation […]
Report General Assembly 2020
Minutes from the ENCOD online GA 2020 on the 31st of January 2021 from 2 pm to 19.30 pm. In total 17 members were present. 1. Country reports: France, Germany, Malta, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium France People think cannabis is legalised, there are many CBD shops even though some are targeted […]
In dubio pro reo: Free Sara Glatt!
ENCOD defends the freedom of persons to take an informed decision concerning the use of psychoactive substances and also supports ibogaine treatments but we emphasize that they have to be done in a secure context. We support the self-determination and empowerment of the people using all substances. Therefore, we condemn the prosecution of Sara Glatt, […]
ENCOD General Assembly 2020
Dear friends, the General Assembly 2020 will take place online on the 31st of January 2021 from 2pm to 6pm. Everyone who has paid the membership for 2020 and/or 2021 has received the invitation per email. For more information contact us at
CannaMedSocialClub Stichting WietOliePuur
De CannaMedSocialClub stichting WietOliePuur is van menig dat elke volwassene toegang moet krijgen tot betaalbare Medicinale Cannabis. De stichting WietOliePuur zet zich in voor volwassen die met reguliere medicatie niet meer geholpen zijn. We willen Thc en Cbd producten betaalbaar maken en voor iedereen boven de 18 jaar toegankelijk maken. Tevens willen we de zwarte […]
The European Guidelines for Cannabis Social Clubs
Dear friends and members, as part of the Freedom to Farm campaign, we are proud to publish the operation guide for Cannabis Social Clubs. Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC) are one of the most deeply-rooted and widespread models for regulating cannabis in the European Union. According to a study published a few months ago by the […]
“Cannabis was buried by a century of ignorance and prejudice” – Interview with Enrico Fletzer
CannaReporter spoke with Enrico Fletzer, President of the Executive Committee of the European Coalition for Fair and Effective Drug Policies (ENCOD), in order to understand the implications of voting at the 63rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), which removed cannabis from the Annex IV in the 1961 Convention. Please read the interview […]
Canna-chaos in Vienna?
The genesis of the decision of today’s 63rd Reconvened Conference on Narcotic Drugs of the UN is certainly due to the perseverance of the international activists of ENCOD, FAAAT and the US Veterans for Safe Access and many other friends who from Mexico to Barcelona raised the cannabis issue and the legitimacy of the past […]