For the first time ever, the Maltese government has sent a video message of support to Malta’s cannabis users on 4/20! Read more about the statement of the Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms Rosianne Cutajar and a discussion with Reforms Junior Minister Rosianne Cutajar, ReLeaf President Andrew Bonello and government policy advisor John Ellul spoke about […]
UNODC Official report Report on Side Events held at the 63rd session of the CND
We are pleased to share with you a report on the side events organized during the 63rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (2-6 March 2020). The report was compiled by the UNODC.
COVID-19: Advice for People Who Use Drugs
This document was done by EuroNPUD with people from various countries translating into many languages. You find them all on We attach here the English version. About the Coronavirus Peer Leaflet ENCOD The information is meant to be regional showing the nearest points of assistance. Feel free to use them! Get it out on […]
Reflections on the 63rd CND in Vienna
This years CND took place in the shadow of the Corona virus. Many delegates did not attend the meeting and certain decision making was postponed. Nonetheless, the whole Encod Executive Committee attended the event. Hereby, we want to give you a short overview of some of the discussions that took place throughout the week. On […]
The prohibition of carrots
How to deal with the question of regulation in terms of public health, of respect of individual liberties and common good, while making consumers more responsible? Find out more at:
The launch of the Ayahuasca Defense Fund crowdfunding campaign
Our friends at ICEERS just launched a 30-day Ayahuasca Defense Fund crowdfunding campaign and they need our help to transform gratitude to generosity! Plant teachers have helped so many, however these practices are still being criminalized and action is needed. We’re staring into the face of a sixth mass extinction. Plant teachers and the ancestral […]
Historical momentum at the UN about Cannabis WHO scheduling recommendations vote
Summary: EU positions on voting are a little bit different than the USA position; UN Africa sub-regional group is taking the leadership of a “chimeric apparatus”. What will be the UN decisions on WHO recommendations next March, 4th 2020? ENCOD is releasing this note to ensure that more feedback is shared and more interest […]
Political irresponsibility locks up innocent people in jail
Six members of La MACA Barcelona were sentenced to a total of 31 years of prison for an offence against Public Health and illicit association. The sustainable, transparent and healthy option that the Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC) represent is being suppressed by the Spanish State. An appeal will be made to the Supreme Court to […]
ReLeaf Malta
ReLeaf Malta is a community-based NGO that seeks the regulation of Cannabis in Malta through safe and sensible policies. ReLeaf Malta is a community-based pressure group that is demanding a change in national cannabis policy. After decades of a failed national drug policy and the criminalisation of cannabis users, change needs to come to Malta. […]
Drug policy reform at the United Nations: A Youth Advocacy Handbook
Civil society engagement at the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) and related meetings has improved dramatically over the past decade – in terms of the numbers attending, the opportunities to interact and participate, and the levels of experience and professionalism of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) themselves. These changes are very important given that the contribution […]