German Cannabis Clubs workshop ENCOD and ConFAC are pleased to present a workshop tailored for German cannabis associations. This workshop aims to address specific aspects of cannabis regulation, harm reduction, and best practices within the framework of cannabis clubs. The workshop will provide valuable insights into the controlled substance system and harm reduction strategies. It […]
The current hour in the Bundestag
The current hour in the Bundestag On 15 November 2024, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag convened a topical debate on the effects of the Konsum-Cannabis-Gesetz, KCanG, on internal security. The list of speakers was long, and too many of those who took to the microphone used their time exclusively for election campaign […]
Responsibility ping-pong in the German capital
Responsibility ping-pong in the German capital Since 1 July 2024, cultivation associations in Germany have been able to apply for permission to cultivate cannabis to supply their members in accordance with the Consumer Cannabis Act. Over 300 applications have now been submitted to the relevant authorities across Germany, and around 25 of these have been […]
ENCOD Address Germany December 2023
to German Policy Makers in the drug law debate We, as ENCOD are closely looking at the development occuring in Germany, as we already supported some groups of citizens who are trying to set up Cannabis Social Clubs in conformity with our CSC guidelines published in 2020. FILLER Since 1993 we, as ENCOD have been […]