Commission on Narcotic Drugs – 68th session Thursday March 11th, 2025 10:00 – 11:00 AM (Vienna) – ROOM : MOE05 1925-2025 : One centenary of Cannabis as a narcotic drug under international control This side event, in link with an exhibition, aims to present the long journey of cannabis from 1925 to the present day, […]
Italy : Massive demonstrations to say “NO DDL SICUREZZA”
Italy : Massive demonstrations to say “NO DDL SICUREZZA” In Italy, several demonstrations against the dictatorial proposals of Meloni’s government against cannabis, and civil and human rights were quite big, with for example over 5000 people in Bologna and many others in most towns… Like our friend Enrico Fletzer argued “It was nice but the […]
Psychedelicare : European Citizens’ Initative (support and sign)
LET’S CARE TOGETHER To improve mental wellbeing and enable access to psychedelic-assisted therapies in Europe, we just need 1 million signatures. Are you a European citizen? THE REASONS Today, in the European Union, more than 1 out of 6 people are suffering from mental health conditions. Depression, anxiety, burnout syndromes, PTSD, insomnia, unbearable addictions, are […]
German Cannabis Clubs workshop
German Cannabis Clubs workshop ENCOD and ConFAC are pleased to present a workshop tailored for German cannabis associations. This workshop aims to address specific aspects of cannabis regulation, harm reduction, and best practices within the framework of cannabis clubs. The workshop will provide valuable insights into the controlled substance system and harm reduction strategies. It […]
Putting people first; empowering communities and driving innovation.
Putting people first; empowering communities and driving innovation. Reflections following the 6th European Harm Reduction Conference. In the first week of December around five hundred participants from across Europe travelled to Warsaw for a three-day conference on drug use and drug policy organised by the Correlation European Harm Reduction Network (C-EHRN). Echoing the United Nations […]
Amigos de la Hoja de Coca: history of a pioneering coca leaf fair-trade
This is a masterpiece for all ENCOD’s friends and supporters ; A real piece about ENCOD history and attempt to keep the experience alive and make it possible for the future… Thanks to the magazin Drugs, habits and Social policy and its editing team for keeping the importance of the subject and the publishing of […]
ENCOD and our duty toward a new policy on drugs.
ENCOD and our duty toward a new policy on drugs. Since 1993, ENCOD has been advocating for drug policy reforms based on a humane, just and effective approach. In four points below we’re describing below what ENCOD is struggling for, and we hope that you’ll follow and support us to make this. First We’re defending […]
The current hour in the Bundestag
The current hour in the Bundestag On 15 November 2024, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag convened a topical debate on the effects of the Konsum-Cannabis-Gesetz, KCanG, on internal security. The list of speakers was long, and too many of those who took to the microphone used their time exclusively for election campaign […]
Responsibility ping-pong in the German capital
Responsibility ping-pong in the German capital Since 1 July 2024, cultivation associations in Germany have been able to apply for permission to cultivate cannabis to supply their members in accordance with the Consumer Cannabis Act. Over 300 applications have now been submitted to the relevant authorities across Germany, and around 25 of these have been […]
European drug activists of Encod meet in Berlin for General Assembly
Text by Dutch Foundation VOC During the weekend of the well-attended Mary Jane cannabis fair in Berlin, Encod held a general assembly in the basement of the Hanf Museum (Hemp Museum) in the German capital. The VOC, the Dutch Union for the Abolition of cannabis prohibition, is a member of Encod, and its chairman Derrick […]
The Bad, the Sad and the Ugly (Please keep updated)
Update on April 20th, 2024 About Erec : Two weeks ago, Erec’s widow posted on her Facebook page this message: “3 months after the killing of my beloved husband and soulmate, Erec Hesse, I am still in a state of, I do not even know how to call it. Out of my body, out of […]
Winterfest Deutschland – es kann so schön sein…
Happy Holidays – Fröhliches Winterfest Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Es kann so schön sein. Bekifft mit den Liebsten unterm Weihnachtsbaum, nach einem gesunden Schlaf fit in den Dienst. Stattdessen saufen mit der kratzigen Verwandtschaft, zur nächsten Schicht verkatert in die Arbeitsuniform. Unabhängig von der aktuellen Gesetzeslage bevorzugen bereits viele Menschen in der Welt, auch in Deutschland, […]
ENCOD Address Germany December 2023
to German Policy Makers in the drug law debate We, as ENCOD are closely looking at the development occuring in Germany, as we already supported some groups of citizens who are trying to set up Cannabis Social Clubs in conformity with our CSC guidelines published in 2020. FILLER Since 1993 we, as ENCOD have been […]
Free Sara Glatt 2023
UPDATE: Sara Glatt is now released, we wish her all the best for her future. July 2023: Sara Glatt is now incarcerated in The Netherlands. According to informants she will be released in September. Iboga Healer Sara Glatt arrested in Norway, to be extradited to Dutch authorities. Erec O. Kozàr 26.06.2023 Alternative medicine healer Sara […]
German gvt. Draft – Proposal of New Cannabis Law April 2023
German gvt. Draft – Proposal of New Cannabis Law April 2023 engl
ENCOD at Earth Garden Festival Malta 2022
As the festival season kicked-in in Malta, ENCOD participated at the first harm reduction booth set up at Earth Garden festival. Organised from 3rd to 5th of June, Earth Garden Festival is synonymous with the local entertainment scene and provides a family friendly atmosphere to those visiting the festival grounds. Spread over three days and […]
Just Coca webinar 2022
2 days | 4 workshops The two-day event (with interpretation in English and Spanish) features 20+ international, multidisciplinary speakers: scientific experts, users, entrepreneurs, drug reform advocates and policy makers providing testimonials, keynote lectures, panel & round table discussions, and plenty of Q&A opportunities for interaction with the audience. Just Coca | Solo Coca | 18–19 […]
The European Guidelines for Cannabis Social Clubs
Dear friends and members, as part of the Freedom to Farm campaign, we are proud to publish the operation guide for Cannabis Social Clubs. Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC) are one of the most deeply-rooted and widespread models for regulating cannabis in the European Union. According to a study published a few months ago by the […]
ENCOD supports VLD mail action to SPÖ and ÖVP.
In Austria, the government is subject to a long deal between different political parties to form a coalition. In order to ensure that their program and coalition’s contract includes cannabis legalisation, some activists with Verein für liberale Drogenpolitik are aiming to influence this coalition’s deal by sending letters : if you’re an austrian citizen or […]