Over the course of three days ENCOD’s annual General Assembly took place near Barcelona, Spain in the weekend of the 2nd to 4th of june 2017. This was the first GA since the untimely demise of founder and inspirator Joep Oomen who passed away in March 2016.
The position of the treasurer is organised as follows:
Budget 2017
Please find attached the budget for 2017. budget_2017_ga.pdf
ENCOD INTERNAL BYLAWS Terminology In this document the following abbreviations are used: EC = Executive Committee The bylaws = These house rules
Nuovo Sostanze Psicoattive: gli stili di consumo, i mercati, le politiche
Forum Droghe, CNCA, CTCA Summer School 2017: 8, 9, 10 settembre 2017 Centro studi CISL- Via della Piazzuola 71-50133 Firenze
This report contains gathered data from the questionnaire designed for all members (or former members) of both European network and international network of ENCOD. The purpose of the questionnaire was to get an overview of our members, their wishes and capabilities/capacities in order to strengthen our network and collaborate more effectively and efficiently.
Please find the annual report as wel as the financial statement in the attached documents.
Please find the annual report as wel as the financial statement in the attached documents.
Support. Don’t Punish.
Today is a day of action. ENCOD would like to share with you IDPC’s global advocacy campaign. What follows is a text from their campaign website.
Invitation, 18 juin: 18 joints à 18 heures!
Chers amis cannabinophiles, Improvisation de dernière minute, le programme du 18 juin étant un peu chamboulé cette année, avec un rassemblement à Caen, pour le Ras’Art, où sont prévues trois journées de rencontres cannabiques. A Paris, le traditionnel rassemblement sur les pelouses de la Villette s’est rebaptisé « 18 JOINTS », et appelle à une […]