Invitation, 18 juin: 18 joints à 18 heures!
Chers amis cannabinophiles, Improvisation de dernière minute, le programme du 18 juin étant un peu chamboulé cette année, avec un rassemblement à Caen, pour le Ras’Art, où sont prévues trois journées de rencontres cannabiques. A Paris, le traditionnel rassemblement sur les pelouses de la Villette s’est rebaptisé « 18 JOINTS », et appelle à une […]
18JOINTS on the 18th of June in Paris
Dear cannabinophiles from everywhere, It's more than 20 years ago today, the 18th of June 1993, that was held the first international cannabis meeting, «Première journée internationale du cannabis», in Paris, France, at the Trianon, a nice old theater. Came tens of people from many countries. England, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, USA, Germany and France… Those who were there remember how […]
ENCOD en Cannabis Liberation Day
12 de julio – Miles de personas se acercaron ayer, 11 de julio de 2017, a la novena edición de la Cannabis Liberation Day en Flevopark de Ámsterdam, un precioso espacio verde, para poder perderse entre humo de cannabis. VOC Nederland (Unión por la abolición de la prohibición del cannabis, ONG neerlandesa), la entidad que […]
Cannabis Liberation Day 2017
June 12 – Thousands of people approached the ninth edition of the Cannabis Liberation Day in Flevopark, Amsterdam, on 11th of June 2017, a beautiful green space to be lost amidst the aroma of cannabis. VOC Nederland (Union for the Abolition of the Cannabis Prohibition, Dutch NGO), the organizer of the event, continues to spread […]
La Coalizione Europea per Polittiche Giuste ed efficaci sulle droghe elegge il nuovo direttivo
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Release foundation ENCOD, 5th June, Barcelona Drug Policy Coalition ENCOD Relaunches With New Board
Koalition für Drogenpolitik ENCOD lebt mit neuem Gremium auf
ZUR SOFORTIGEN VERÖFFENTLICHUNG Presseabteilung, ENCOD, 5. Juni 2017, Barcelona
Drug Policy Coalition ENCOD Relaunches With New Board
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Release foundation ENCOD, 5th June, Barcelona Drug Policy Coalition ENCOD Relaunches With New Board
European Iboga Forum
For thousands of years, the root bark of the tropical shrub Tabernanthe Iboga has been the basis of a tradition of initiation and healing in the forests of Western Equatorial Africa. It is used as a tool for contacting ancestors, engaging natural spirits and accessing other dimensions to get advice for healing and moral life […]
CIA-TV° – Die Blüte(Zeit) ist reif – Hanfwandertag 2017 LEGALIZE GMM
Wie jedes Jahr durfte die Kultveranstaltung Hanfwandertag in Wien 2017 dieses Jahr auch nicht fehlen! Und wie immer waren wir von CIA-TV und Legal-Europe natürlich beim Spektakel dabei. Auch wenn dieses Jahr nicht ganz soviel los war wie beim Besuch von Hans Söllner, so haben wir doch schönes Wetter gehabt und für unser Anliegen demonstriert […]