From 19th to 21st of November 2021 we participated at the much expected Hanfexpo / Cultiva 2021 in Vienna. The strict COVID-19 measures (2G+: vaccinated or recovered + a negative PCR test and FFP2 mask when walking around) resulted in a fair with a small number of visitors, the exhibitors had only a small assortment, […]
Translating cannabis legalization into numbers
The economists Justus Haucap and Leon Knoke published an updated report on the economic consequences of cannabis legalization in Germany. A summary of their findings: the country could profit almost 5 billion € by collecting taxes (sales, trade, income, social security) and from savings of the police/court/prison system. Download the full 2021 report here (in […]
Writing about cannabis is a crime in Czech Republic!
November 15, 2021—Prague Writing about cannabis is a crime! On November 3, 2021, the Legalizace magazine and its editor-in-chief, Robert Veverka, were convicted of inciting and promoting “toxicomania” by the district court in the town of Bruntál. The editor-in-chief, Robert Veverka, and the publishing company of the Legalizace magazine, both prosecuted since the summer of […]
General Assembly 2021
Dear friends and members, Almost one whole year has passed since our last virtual encounter. This year will be no different. Since the global situation is still pretty much dictated by the COVID-19 and various restrictions, we decided to once again organize a virtual general assembly to ensure the highest possible attendance of all of […]
Insiders Eco Tour – ENCOD Based Private Cannabis Clubs in South Africa
The cocaine-e-cigarette
A theoretical concept of a harm reduction device for current users of smokable cocaine forms By Fabian P Steinmetz & Heino Stöver Although there are great regional differences, smokable forms of cocaine (crack, free-base, paco, etc.) are a drug complex associated with often harmful and problematic drug use patterns. While strategies based on drug prohibition […]
Malta and Cannabis: Changes on the horizon
Malta set to decriminalize up to 7 grams of cannabis and to allow the establishment of Cannabis Associations. In the past weeks, the Government of Malta tabled a Bill in the Maltese House of Representatives detailing a plan for a partial decriminalised system for the adult personal non-medical use of cannabis. Bill No. 241 to […]
Pre-review of kratom at the WHO ECDD
Dr. Fabian Steinmetz gave a statement on kratom at the Forty-fourth Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. Dear Expert Committee on Drug Dependence, we would like to encourage the ECDD not to classify kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) as a controlled substance. First of all, banning plants has never solved any drug–related issues. Products derived from hemp […]
Education is not a crime!
Legalizace magazine and its editor-in-chief, Robert Veverka have been formally accused of “inciting and promoting toxicomania”, with penalties of up to five years of imprisonment. The first court hearing will take place on Tuesday, October 5 at 8:30 AM at the district court in the town of Bruntál, Czech Republic. The goal of Legalizace magazine, […]
Barcelona City Council suspended the licenses of Cannabis Social Clubs
The Barcelona City Council is canceling the city’s plan that regulates the activities of cannabis social clubs here since 2016. The associations lose their municipal licenses and become private social clubs, which means that aspects such as location, health, or ventilation characteristics of this activity are no longer guaranteed. All of this is done under […]